Do you offer delivery options?

Yes, we offer local delivery in the Miami area. We also provide nationwide shipping for our online customers.

Can I visit your physical store?

Absolutely! Our physical store is located in 7580 NE 4th Ct, Miami, FL 33138. We'd love to have you come and explore our plant offerings in person.

How can I place a custom order?

Placing a custom order is easy. Reach out to us through our contact form, phone, or email, and our team will work with you to bring your unique vision to life.

Do you offer plant care tips?

Yes, we're passionate about helping you care for your plants. Check out our "Plant Care" section for valuable insights and tips to ensure your green companions thrive. If your questions are more specific, feel free to contact us.

Can I request a specific plant variety?

While our selection may vary, we do our best to accommodate specific requests. Reach out to us, and we'll let you know if we can source the plant you're looking for.

What is a kokedama?

Kokedamas are a unique form of Japanese plant art, where plants are encased in a ball of soil and moss, creating a striking and eco-friendly display.

Do you have gift options available?

Yes, our unique plant arrangements make wonderful gifts for any occasion. Explore our collection or consider a gift card for the gift of choice.